Nextjs Starter

Starter code for your Nextjs Boilerplate with Tailwind CSS

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Our sponsors' exceptional support has made this project possible. Their services integrate seamlessly with the boilerplate, and we recommend trying them out.


Clerk – Authentication & User Management for Next.jsSQLite Developer ExperienceCrowdin
SentryPostHogBetter Stack
UpstashChecklyReact SaaS Boilerplate Next.js

Boilerplate Code for Your Next.js Project with Tailwind CSS

🚀 Next.js Boilerplate is a developer-friendly starter code for Next.js projects, built with Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-Staged, Jest, Testing Library, Commitlint, VSCode, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS, Authentication with Clerk, Database with DrizzleORM (SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL) and Turso, Error Monitoring with Sentry, Logging with Pino.js and Log Management with Better Stack, Monitoring as Code with Checkly, Storybook, Multi-language (i18n), and more.